Canted teeth, also known as tilted or slanted teeth, refer to dental misalignment where the teeth appear to be at an angle or incline instead of being in a straight, vertical position. This condition can affect both the aesthetics and function of the smile. What causes canted teeth, and can they be fixed? Here, we […]
Tag: dental treatment
What Can Cause Infection in a Tooth?
A tooth infection can be painful at best and life-threatening at worst. Although teeth are covered by the hardest substance in the human body, tooth enamel, they are susceptible to damage when the enamel is compromised and bacteria can reach the center of the tooth. What exactly can cause an infection in a tooth? Here […]
Taking Care of Your Mouth After a Root Canal
Getting a root canal procedure involves your dentist removing dead or infected tissue from the inside of your tooth. After the procedure is done, your dentist will seal the chamber with a biocompatible material to prevent future problems with the tooth. Although getting root canal therapy isn’t too different these days than getting a filling, […]
When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?
Your teeth are designed to last a lifetime, so hearing that you need a tooth extracted can be devastating. Your oral healthcare professional will do everything they can to save your tooth. However, in some cases, extraction may be the only treatment option. While every smile and every case is unique, here are a few instances in […]
How Durable Are Dental Veneers, and How Long Do They Last?
Dental veneers are a thin layer of ceramic that’s placed over the front of your teeth to transform your smile. Veneers are custom-made for you and will look like a natural part of your mouth. Veneers are a popular form of treatment that can cover crooked teeth, stained teeth, or chipped teeth for a comprehensive smile makeover. With […]